Primary education

Primary education
Apply the world’s best practice in the field of psychology and pedagogy to work with children in primary education
Preparation of bachelors in primary education is carried out in full-time, evening and extramural forms. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.
Primary education is a field of knowledge, education and educational sciences, professional activities in general secondary schools, secondary special, professional educational institutions and non-governmental institutions, mass media, state and local government bodies covers such complex issues as
Main subjects:
- Foundations of civil society
- Higher mathematics
- Physiology of higher nervous activity
- Foreign language (English, French, German)
- General pedagogy
- Digital and information technologies
- The newest history of Uzbekistan
Elective subjects:
- Mother tongue theory and practice
Main subjects:
- Philosophy
- Foreign language (English, French, German)
- Basics of psychological training
- Pedagogical conflictology
- Family pedagogy and psychology
- Uzbek language (for Russian groups), Russian language (for Uzbek groups)
Elective subjects:
- Pedagogy in primary education
- Husnikhat teaching technology
Main subjects:
- Pedagogical technologies in primary education
- Theory of elementary mathematics course
- Methodology of mother tongue teaching
- Mathematics teaching methodology
- Children’s literature
- Technology teaching methodology
- Qualifying practice
Elective subjects:
- Innovation and integration in primary education
Main subjects:
- Natural sciences in primary education
- Problem Solving
- Workshop
- International assessment studies (PIRLS, TIMSS, EGRA, EGMA, etc.)
- Theory and methodology of physical education
Elective subjects:
- Pedagogical skills