Educational directions - Tiiu

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Psixologiya taʼlim yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha bakalavrlar tayyorlash kunduzgi, kechki va sirtqi taʼlim shakllarida amalga oshiriladi. Barcha taʼlim shakllari bo‘yicha o‘qitish kredit-modul tizimi asosida tashkil qilinadi

Finance and financial technologies

Education of bachelors in finance and financial technologies is carried out in the form of full-time, evening and part-time education. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.

Pre-school education

Preparation of bachelors in the field of preschool education is carried out in the form of full-time, evening and part-time education. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.

Computer science and programming technologies

Training of bachelors in computer science and programming technologies is carried out in full-time, evening and extramural forms of education. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.


Education of bachelors in economics (by branches and sectors) is carried out in full-time, evening and extramural forms. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.

Teaching philology and languages

Training of bachelors in the field of philology and language teaching is carried out in day and evening forms of education. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.

Accounting and auditing

Training of bachelors in accounting and auditing is carried out in full-time, evening and part-time forms of education. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.

Primary education

Preparation of bachelors in primary education is carried out in full-time, evening and extramural forms. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.