Phone numbers
+998 55 506 79 75
+998 55 506 12 77

Usta Shirin street 116, Almazor district 44 Kanora Street, New Life District, Tashkent city

Mailing address
Frequently asked questions
Addresses of the University of Tashkent Social Economy are as follows: Usta Shirin Street 116, Almazor District, Kanora Street 44, New Life District, Tashkent city
You can get detailed information about Tashkent University of Social Economy on the “Contact” page of our website, or you can fill out the following forms and get an opinion from qualified teachers, they will give you detailed information.
You can get acquainted with the directions of Tashkent University of Social Economy in detail on the “Faculty” page
You can contact us by the following numbers +998 55 506 79 75 +998 55 506 12 77 or you can send a message to this email address: info@iiiu.uz